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Jennifer is currently working on her next novel Broken Pieces. This contemporary work tells the story of Sally and Ben, young Australian medical professionals who volunteer at a remote district hospital in Rwanda.  Arriving several years after the devastating and horrific months of the genocide, their expertise brings new life and hope to many of their new friends.  Until one day an unexpected and tragic event brings far-reaching consequences.  Follow their journey through the wilds of Africa to the dark confines of an orchestra pit in one of Australian's largest concert halls, and several other exciting places along the way.  Anticipated release date is mid-2018.




"We cannot turn the clock back

Nor can we undo the harm caused

But we have the power to determine the future

And to ensure that it never happens again..."

Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda



AND A TASTE OF WHAT'S TO COME FROM A RANDOM CHAPTER... (with a few possible edits still to be made!)


Jonas had been leaning back in his canvas chair, gazing up at the brilliant expanse of stars in the dark sky.  “All we need now is to be serenaded to sleep on such a peaceful night.  How about it, Sally?  I won’t be able to listen to your music for another couple of weeks now.”


"Sally rose silently and went to their tent, returning a minute or so later with Chloe huddled under her arm.  Settling into the canvas chair once more, she used her fingers to soothe away the grizzly scene of the baby impala’s death struggles while held in the leopard’s strong jaws that was still residing in their memories from earlier in the day.  The fireplace’s friendly crackle added an inimitable cadence to the mellow notes emanating from the shapely instrument.  In the distance, an elephant could be heard trumpeting his presence, though he was too far away to cause any concern.  The gifted cellist had never performed in a setting like this before with these three very different harmonies blending perfectly to create a unique and soulful concert for two.


Ben quickly brought out his video camera, more to capture the harmonies than the dark image of his wife, whose face was gently touched by the flickering glow of this newfound crackling accompanist.  Glancing across at her husband, Sally’s heart quickened to see the look of tender love in his eyes as he revelled in the stunning portrait an African night could create.  Her long dark hair cascaded around her shoulders, over her arms and then flowed down her back, while the slender fingers on her left hand danced along the long wooden neck.  The silhouette of the hand holding the long bow seemed to cast a gentle spell as it wove backwards and forwards across the thick strings, causing a calming mantle to fall over the campsite.


Eyelids began to close, including those of the swaying musician, and it wasn’t very long before both men started to nod off in their chairs.  Recognising their heavy breathing, Sally opened her eyes and turned her task to serenading the beauty of this outdoor venue with that hollow trumpet sound still keeping time with the tune she made.  When the last note floated away, she put down the bow and placed the bulky instrument back in its case.  Her mission was complete and peace once again united the inhabitants. The glow of the fire was ebbing away so she added a few more pieces of timber to its charred centre.  Then with a gentle prod, she roused the two friends out of their gentle slumber.  Making their way towards the dark shadows of the tents, the trio trod softly as though unwilling to disturb the serenity.


Quietness reigned and the only sign of life was a flaring bonfire, now taking on its other role as protector of these weary souls who fell asleep beneath the stars out on the savanna for the final time.


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